The following table is a grid of testing terms that I put together to explain at least in my mind where these terms reside.
Since I work in the integration space, some are more inclined towards integration. If you see anything out of place, or missing, please let me know and I will include.
WHO | Who is the stakeholder/interested party? | Developer Current Develpoer Future |
Developer Current Tester Current |
Developer Current Tester Current End User/Consumer/End Point (Also known as the 3 Amigos) |
WHAT | What is tested? | Components/Services/Units | Plumbing/Connectivity | Does what the stakeholder expects |
What level of detail? | As much as possible to narrow down errors/defects | Works end to end without issues | Works end to end, data is as expected | |
What Code Coverage? | 100% (Or as close to as possible – within reason) – Error Paths -Edge Cases |
50% Enough to prove working | 20-30% Enough to see that the requirements have been met. | |
WHEN | When executed? | – Development – Regression – Bug Fixing – Working out what the code does |
When more than 2 components are complete (Currently done after development) |
– Once End-To-End complete (Even partial) (Currently done after SIT) |
WHY | Why is it done? | – Verification Of Unit – Boundary Conditions – Regression |
– Verify End-To-End – Regression |
-Verify works as customer expects |
WHERE | Where is it tested? | – Development Environment | – Build Environment – Test Environment |
– Stage Environment – Preprod Environment |
HOW | How is it tested? | -NUnit (Junit/xmlUnit/WMUnit etc) – Stubs – Mocks – Virtual Services (CA DevTest, IBM Rational Tester etc) – Commercial Frameworks Test Driven Development(TDD) |
-NUnit (JUnit, xmlUnit, WMUnit etc) – Virtual Services – Mocks – Commercial Frameworks – Actial End Points |
– NUnit (Junit, xmlUnit, WMUnit etc) – Commercial Frameworks – Actual End Points – Behaviour Driven Development (BDD), Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD) |
How long should a test take to run? | Seconds | Seconds -> minutes | minutes -> hours |
I have added this grid to a page in this blog. I think it makes a good reference point. At least for myself.